If you would like to see Dr. Lehn or Dr. Norring:

  • Call and make a new patient appointment
  • You will receive a complete and thorough examination.
  • Any required X-rays will be taken.
  • One of our Doctors will review all your findings with you.
  • You will receive a personally designed treatment plan to get you well!
  • All for $19 (Sorry, Medicare is excluded from offer)

Health and Healing Family Chiropractic is a comprehensive chiropractic center designed to achieve optimum results through caring, compassion and individual treatment. It is our goal to reduce pain and help improve your overall quality of life.

To schedule an appointment, please fill out the form (including all fields) and we will contact you as soon as possible.

If you are not seeing a date or time that works for you, please give our office a call at (763) 323-0061!